Players' HALL of FAME - the classes of 2020

Die 3 ! united in their own league!

As third player only Michl! of the BPC Franken crashes the mark of 3000 points and joins Die Bierathleten on top of the Lifetime Ranking! Therefore the three famous ! - Dave!, Manu! and Michl! - are united in the top class of the Players HALL of FAME!
Big names stormed the class of 1000, e.g. Rejs, hasler, Jpbpong and Mariusz Mullnarik. The new leader of the Ladies Ranking, Ella, is just on the jump with 970 points and is acompanied by 6 others in the Ladies 500 HoF!
If those guys new they all add a ! to their nickname to one day shine together from the highst clas of the Players HALL of FAME? Probably not, but right now they just do it! Michl! entered the group by scoring 12 points as 5th at the ONLINEPONG - Fall Classic IV in October and immediately overtook Manu! for second place and is up to chase Dave! who broke the mark of 3.500 points as first player ever! 
All classes crew, right now 43 player reached the boarder of 1.000 points to enter the HALL of FAME. The class of 500 points goes all the way down to 105th place holded by Airball who just jumped over it holding 501 points. We are proud that not less then 7 girls are already part of that class!
We will have another look on the Teams' HALL of FAME in an upcoming entry, stay tuned!

Players' HALL of FAME - the classes of 2020

Die 3 ! united in their own league!

As third player only Michl! of the BPC Franken crashes the mark of 3000 points and joins Die Bierathleten on top of the Lifetime Ranking! Therefore the three famous ! - Dave!, Manu! and Michl! - are united in the top class of the Players HALL of FAME!
Big names stormed the class of 1000, e.g. Rejs, hasler, Jpbpong and Mariusz Mullnarik. The new leader of the Ladies Ranking, Ella, is just on the jump with 970 points and is acompanied by 6 others in the Ladies 500 HoF!
If those guys new they all add a ! to their nickname to one day shine together from the highst clas of the Players HALL of FAME? Probably not, but right now they just do it! Michl! entered the group by scoring 12 points as 5th at the ONLINEPONG - Fall Classic IV in October and immediately overtook Manu! for second place and is up to chase Dave! who broke the mark of 3.500 points as first player ever! 
All classes crew, right now 43 player reached the boarder of 1.000 points to enter the HALL of FAME. The class of 500 points goes all the way down to 105th place holded by Airball who just jumped over it holding 501 points. We are proud that not less then 7 girls are already part of that class!
We will have another look on the Teams' HALL of FAME in an upcoming entry, stay tuned!