NEW UPDAT - pongalong vs. Corona

⚠️ UPDATE 07 July 2021, 3pm ⚠️
>> English Version under Construction <<
UPDATE  13 April, 1pm
There will be no further "live-tournaments" throughout the next weeks and months, maybe all the way to the summer break. BUT: we do have extended the ONLINEPONG Series until the end of June! Tuesdays stay special days, with Mixed and Austrians' tournaments. On Fridays we will change to 2v2 tournaments! For frequent updates follow the previously linked series-page, visit us on Facebook or come back here to the blog!
ASOBP - Please (dis)confirm your registration:
We did not get to many feedback mails to our request to all registered teams to please let us know wether you are also attanding ASOBP in September or not. Please answer the E-Mail we sent on March 23 or just write us an e-mail to with your feedback if you are in or not.
New registrations will only be possible for the waiting list until we got enogh feedback of already registered teams wether they are still in or not. Payments will not be accepted until the Corona Crises is over in a way that allows us to 100% confirm the date. Thank's for your help, understanding and patience!
Concerning all planned tournaments at our frequent partner locations, the Jimmy's-Innsbruck, Travel-Shack Vienna and RAWS Diner until the summer break we plan to definitely run them. Not in the bars, but as specials onlne! Stay tuned for those trophies!
Euer Team!
UPDATE  31 March, 8pm
Wir bleiben natürlich weiter standhaft daheim und setzen den Status daher ganz allgemein auf "bis auf Weiteres keine Turniere". 
Nungut, so ganz stimmt das nicht, das gilt nur für reelle Turniere in Lokalen, Veranstaltungsräumen usw. im richtigen Leben. Sehr wohl könnt ihr aber momentan an Turnieren teilnehmen! WIr sind in die ONLINEPONG Series gestartet, bei der ihr von zu Hause aus via Zoom gemeinsam mit anderen Pongern aus bisher Österreich, Deutschland, Luxemburg, Ungarn und Serbien teilnehmen könnt. Klickt den obigen Link für alle Details! PONGALONG!
UPDATE  24 March, 8pm
As expected we have to cancel / postpone all tournaments throughout the end of April. The LUI BIERPONG Trophy on 30 April for now remains scheduled. We will keep you updated but do not believe in this tournament happaning to be honest.
Definitely not happening are as follows::
🚫 Travel Shack BIERPONG Trophy, 05 April 🚫
🚫 Jimmy's BIERPONG Trophy, 16 April 🚫
🚫 And especially the ASOBP Weekend, which will be postponed to the end of September! 🚫
For all tournaments in May (14.05. Jimmy's and 20.05. RAWS Diner) we keep on hoping on a surprisingly fast end of the Corona Crises and will be ready to pong as a riskfree, healthy and funguaranteed executions is possible and responsible. 

ASOBP Weekend Update

On 24  March all registered participants should have received an E-Mail with certain information about the new data and our request to let us know wether you will still attand in September or not. Of course there where also possibilities about refunding already payed fees in it. If you have not received this E-Mail or could not understand it, please feel free to contact us for further help!

New Date: 
  • Fr. 25.09. - Side Events
  • Sa. 26.09. - ASOBP VI
For further Updates stay tuned here and visit us on facebook.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Götzens / Innsbruck in September and remain with a heartly Pongalong! #stayhome #staysave!
UPDATE  18 March, 7pm
It was clear, but to make it official:
🚫 The tournament at the RAWS Diner on 3 April is canceled 🚫
UPDATE  15 March, 7pm
Since in Austria all Bars are closed, people are adviced to stay at home it is just not time to even think about a BIERPONG tournament. Actually it's not about what authorities say, it's about responsibility. So until further notice alle tournaments are on hold and will only be held if the situation fortunately changes tremendously. Especially the next two tournaments are very doubtfull:
We keep you updated!

ASOBP - Austrian Series of BIERPONG - Weekend, April

Concerning the ASOBP we of course do not only follow the developments in Austria, but further more in all countries pongers are wanting to come from to the ASOBP Weekend. Some of them are not even allowed to enter Austria right now, some probably did not even reach the same state of the Epidemia right now as we do. Therefore we will carefully observe till the end of the next week and then, alround March 24, right one month prior to ASOBP, evaluate again if it is still senseful to believe in a riskfree funmaking ASOBP in April or we may announce a new date in fall of 2020.
For that scenario we are of course in contact with other organisors of big BIERPONG events, such as the Swiss Series of Beer Pong and Beer Pong Vienna to avoid any scheduling conflichts. 
For your very private training-session at home, we have some special offers in the MiG Shop. Check it out!
UPDATE  11 March, 2pm
Together with the Jimmy's Innsbruck we decided to cancel torrows tournament:
🚫 32. Jimmy's B I E R P O N G Battle - CANCELED
Already paied entrance fees will be added to your team profiles as vouchers to be used for any upcoming tournaments.
🚫 The In memoriam Marina B I E R P O N G IV - LastOneStanding will be postponed to an unknown date. Information follow.
For all other tournaments for right now the below mentioned change of the handling of the gaming beer is the only change. This can change every minute so stay tuned for any updates may given.
Original posting, 10 March:
Starting with 11 March the Austrian Government releases an edict that indoor events with more than 100 attanding persons are not allowed until approximately the "beginning of April" due to the epidemic Corona virus. For right now this does not affect any of our tournaments but since we are not always the (only) organisation to decide and the situation could change rapidly, we will keep you updated here frequently with new posts. For right now find below our thoughts to "normal" tournaments and especially the ASOBP - Austrian Series of BIERPONG:
1️⃣ ASOBP - Austrian Series of BIERPONG, 24-25 April 2020:
Of course this event of the year would be affected by this regulation. We are positive and hoping that the situation will not get worse and chill down within the next weeks, so that the bann of events will not be extended in April and we can celebrae an pongastic event at the ASOBP. Of course we will not only take the legal aspect into account but also the risk and our health itself for our further decissions. Therefore right now we keep on planning to have the ASOBP on 24/26 of April in Götzens near Innsbruck. To be ready for any changes we are working on Plan B and C in the background.
So keep calm and pongalong ;-).
2️⃣ BIERPONG Championships
All our "normal" tournaments besides the ASOBP are not affected directly by that regulation and we also trust on your hygienic behaviour and responsibility to not attand any tournament in case of any hint of health problems, so that the risk of getting in touch with the Corona - or any other - virus is minimalized. To further minimize it we set one action for all upcoming tournaments: we will play with water in the cups only still serving beer to the tables wich is only filled in your personal drinking cups so that there will be no balls land in it.
Since any regulations do not change we will not cancel any tournament but very often are not the only one to take responsibility for the events and have to follow decisions of locations and authorities. Therefore please stay tuned for any updates. 
In case of any questions don't hesitate to contact us per MAIL!
PONGALONG and get your balls wet!

NEW UPDAT - pongalong vs. Corona

⚠️ UPDATE 07 July 2021, 3pm ⚠️
>> English Version under Construction <<
UPDATE  13 April, 1pm
There will be no further "live-tournaments" throughout the next weeks and months, maybe all the way to the summer break. BUT: we do have extended the ONLINEPONG Series until the end of June! Tuesdays stay special days, with Mixed and Austrians' tournaments. On Fridays we will change to 2v2 tournaments! For frequent updates follow the previously linked series-page, visit us on Facebook or come back here to the blog!
ASOBP - Please (dis)confirm your registration:
We did not get to many feedback mails to our request to all registered teams to please let us know wether you are also attanding ASOBP in September or not. Please answer the E-Mail we sent on March 23 or just write us an e-mail to with your feedback if you are in or not.
New registrations will only be possible for the waiting list until we got enogh feedback of already registered teams wether they are still in or not. Payments will not be accepted until the Corona Crises is over in a way that allows us to 100% confirm the date. Thank's for your help, understanding and patience!
Concerning all planned tournaments at our frequent partner locations, the Jimmy's-Innsbruck, Travel-Shack Vienna and RAWS Diner until the summer break we plan to definitely run them. Not in the bars, but as specials onlne! Stay tuned for those trophies!
Euer Team!
UPDATE  31 March, 8pm
Wir bleiben natürlich weiter standhaft daheim und setzen den Status daher ganz allgemein auf "bis auf Weiteres keine Turniere". 
Nungut, so ganz stimmt das nicht, das gilt nur für reelle Turniere in Lokalen, Veranstaltungsräumen usw. im richtigen Leben. Sehr wohl könnt ihr aber momentan an Turnieren teilnehmen! WIr sind in die ONLINEPONG Series gestartet, bei der ihr von zu Hause aus via Zoom gemeinsam mit anderen Pongern aus bisher Österreich, Deutschland, Luxemburg, Ungarn und Serbien teilnehmen könnt. Klickt den obigen Link für alle Details! PONGALONG!
UPDATE  24 March, 8pm
As expected we have to cancel / postpone all tournaments throughout the end of April. The LUI BIERPONG Trophy on 30 April for now remains scheduled. We will keep you updated but do not believe in this tournament happaning to be honest.
Definitely not happening are as follows::
🚫 Travel Shack BIERPONG Trophy, 05 April 🚫
🚫 Jimmy's BIERPONG Trophy, 16 April 🚫
🚫 And especially the ASOBP Weekend, which will be postponed to the end of September! 🚫
For all tournaments in May (14.05. Jimmy's and 20.05. RAWS Diner) we keep on hoping on a surprisingly fast end of the Corona Crises and will be ready to pong as a riskfree, healthy and funguaranteed executions is possible and responsible. 

ASOBP Weekend Update

On 24  March all registered participants should have received an E-Mail with certain information about the new data and our request to let us know wether you will still attand in September or not. Of course there where also possibilities about refunding already payed fees in it. If you have not received this E-Mail or could not understand it, please feel free to contact us for further help!

New Date: 
  • Fr. 25.09. - Side Events
  • Sa. 26.09. - ASOBP VI
For further Updates stay tuned here and visit us on facebook.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Götzens / Innsbruck in September and remain with a heartly Pongalong! #stayhome #staysave!
UPDATE  18 March, 7pm
It was clear, but to make it official:
🚫 The tournament at the RAWS Diner on 3 April is canceled 🚫
UPDATE  15 March, 7pm
Since in Austria all Bars are closed, people are adviced to stay at home it is just not time to even think about a BIERPONG tournament. Actually it's not about what authorities say, it's about responsibility. So until further notice alle tournaments are on hold and will only be held if the situation fortunately changes tremendously. Especially the next two tournaments are very doubtfull:
We keep you updated!

ASOBP - Austrian Series of BIERPONG - Weekend, April

Concerning the ASOBP we of course do not only follow the developments in Austria, but further more in all countries pongers are wanting to come from to the ASOBP Weekend. Some of them are not even allowed to enter Austria right now, some probably did not even reach the same state of the Epidemia right now as we do. Therefore we will carefully observe till the end of the next week and then, alround March 24, right one month prior to ASOBP, evaluate again if it is still senseful to believe in a riskfree funmaking ASOBP in April or we may announce a new date in fall of 2020.
For that scenario we are of course in contact with other organisors of big BIERPONG events, such as the Swiss Series of Beer Pong and Beer Pong Vienna to avoid any scheduling conflichts. 
For your very private training-session at home, we have some special offers in the MiG Shop. Check it out!
UPDATE  11 March, 2pm
Together with the Jimmy's Innsbruck we decided to cancel torrows tournament:
🚫 32. Jimmy's B I E R P O N G Battle - CANCELED
Already paied entrance fees will be added to your team profiles as vouchers to be used for any upcoming tournaments.
🚫 The In memoriam Marina B I E R P O N G IV - LastOneStanding will be postponed to an unknown date. Information follow.
For all other tournaments for right now the below mentioned change of the handling of the gaming beer is the only change. This can change every minute so stay tuned for any updates may given.
Original posting, 10 March:
Starting with 11 March the Austrian Government releases an edict that indoor events with more than 100 attanding persons are not allowed until approximately the "beginning of April" due to the epidemic Corona virus. For right now this does not affect any of our tournaments but since we are not always the (only) organisation to decide and the situation could change rapidly, we will keep you updated here frequently with new posts. For right now find below our thoughts to "normal" tournaments and especially the ASOBP - Austrian Series of BIERPONG:
1️⃣ ASOBP - Austrian Series of BIERPONG, 24-25 April 2020:
Of course this event of the year would be affected by this regulation. We are positive and hoping that the situation will not get worse and chill down within the next weeks, so that the bann of events will not be extended in April and we can celebrae an pongastic event at the ASOBP. Of course we will not only take the legal aspect into account but also the risk and our health itself for our further decissions. Therefore right now we keep on planning to have the ASOBP on 24/26 of April in Götzens near Innsbruck. To be ready for any changes we are working on Plan B and C in the background.
So keep calm and pongalong ;-).
2️⃣ BIERPONG Championships
All our "normal" tournaments besides the ASOBP are not affected directly by that regulation and we also trust on your hygienic behaviour and responsibility to not attand any tournament in case of any hint of health problems, so that the risk of getting in touch with the Corona - or any other - virus is minimalized. To further minimize it we set one action for all upcoming tournaments: we will play with water in the cups only still serving beer to the tables wich is only filled in your personal drinking cups so that there will be no balls land in it.
Since any regulations do not change we will not cancel any tournament but very often are not the only one to take responsibility for the events and have to follow decisions of locations and authorities. Therefore please stay tuned for any updates. 
In case of any questions don't hesitate to contact us per MAIL!
PONGALONG and get your balls wet!